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A Guide to Auto Recycling

When you car is no longer operable because of an accident or because it is just too old for use, one way of disposing it is to recycle it. Auto recycling is one of the oldest recycling programs in the world. For many years now, people have been dismantling cars and reusing their parts. When everything is removed from its body, the car is crushed and the steel is sent off for melting and reuse.

You should bring your inoperable car to auto dismantlers or the salvage yard. The vehicle sent here are cataloged and stored. Then vehicles are then stripped part by part by people looking for cheap replacement parts for their own cars. A used car part from a salvage yard is usually 50 % cheaper than buying a new part from your automotive dealership. But the actual price of the part depends on how hard it is to find the part in the open market. It will be more expensive to buy a rare part in a salvage yard. More about car scrap



There are some salvage yards that dismantle cars as soon as they arrive and then sell off the reusable parts.

The first step in dismantling for auto recycling is draining the various fluids from the vehicle. This is very important since most fluids in a vehicle are toxic to the environment. There are fluids that can be recycled but others cannot. Gasoline and brake fluids are resold while power steering and windshield washing fluids are not.


The procedure for auto recycling generally includes dismantling the vehicle, draining fluids from them, and crushing the shell of the vehicle. Sometimes the metal of the vehicle is shred. The crushed or shredded metal is then sold as scarp to industrial metal recycling plants. Plastics are either thrown in a landfill or recycled when possible. The usable drained fluids, parts, batteries, and tires are stored at the auto salvage yard for resale or disposed of properly.



A real concern for the auto recycling business is environmental contamination. This is because there are many toxic substances contained within each vehicle. During fluid drainage, air, groundwater, and the soil can be contaminated. Environmental problems can also be caused by removal of parts, improper storage of batteries and fluids. This is one of the main reasons why the dismantling of vehicles are done outdoors and on paved surfaces where spills can be contained and cleared up. This lessens the risk of fires from flammable liquids like gasoline and brake fluid. see car scrap yards near me

Asbestos, lead and mercury are also found in automobiles. These substances have to be handled properly to keep the out of the landfill and the environment.

So, if your vehicle is not longer usable, you can recycle it and have it parts used in other vehicles.

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